Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

1 weeks

hello all :)
i'm back.. :)
huffttt~ akhirnya bsa ol jga dh.. slama 1 pekan tidak ol gra2 hrus sklh.. :(

satu minggu kmrn, w bnyk bngggtttt kesibukannya.. mna lgi hrus ad tugas yg d kmpulin lwat E-mail trus gk bleh sama antar sisaw-siswi kls 9.. :(
huffftttt~ untung nya pnya w lngsng di accepted ma Sir. Joko.. :)
jdi gk ush ulng lgi dh.. :D :D

udh gtu bnyk kejadian aneh dh yg w alamin slama 1 minggu..
but, it's my privasi w ajh.. :)

ok dh cukup skian ajh dhh.. :D
bye bye~

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

2 weeks

yups.. ni dh 2 mnggu w msuk sklh..
waaaahhhhh gk krasa yh? gmn gk krasa, orng udh bnyk tugas, pr, ulangan... jdi gk smpet mkir yg laen2 lgi dh..
hahhah~ *bhasa w.. ckckckck

2 minggu di Tarki tercatat sbgai ank kls 9... :D :D
cpeeekkkkk~ bdan w pgel2.. tiap hri snen ampe kamis plng jam 13.15 sdngkn jumat ampe jam 12.35.. blm lgi hrus bimbel buat prsiapan UAN! :( :(  beeuuuhhhh~ gempor bngttttt bdan w!!
minggu dpn ajh dh mlai seabrek ulngan2, tgas yg di kumpul, pr yg menanti.. pkokny stres dhh... :( :(

yg jls, stiap hri hrus tetap trsnyum :) sbrapa pun bratnya rintangan, tp kita hrus tersnyum.. krna snyum itu IBADAH.. hahhaha~ *kok jdi ngalantun ke snyum sich? haha~

Zaijian all.. :D :D

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

this feel

you know what I feel?
you know how much I love you?
do you know it all?
I don't think so ..

because you don't love me ..
because you don't care about me ..

maybe, don't you think I'm there in your life ..
maybe, I'm not worth your life ..
and I was a nobody in your self ..

all this time, I can only hope ..
hoping to uncertainty ..

i want, you care about what happens to me..

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Justin Bieber - That Should Be Me

Everybody's laughing in my mind
Rumors spreadin' 'bout this other guy
Do you do what you did when you did with me
Does he love you the way I can
Did you forget all the plans that you made with me
Cause baby I didn't

That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me, That should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can't go on
'Till you believe
That that should be me
That should be me

You said you needed a little time from my mistakes
It's funny how you used that time to have me replaced
Did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies
What you doin' to me
You're taking him where we used to go
Now if you're trying to break my heart
It's working cause you know

That that should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong I can't go on
'Till you believe
That should be me

I need to know should I fight for love
Or disarm
It's getting harder to shield
This pain is my heart

Ooh Ooh

That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can't go on
'Till you believe
That that should be me

Holding your hand
That should be me
The one making you laugh (oh baby oh)
That should be me

That should be me
Giving you flowers
That should be me
Talking for hours
That should be me (that should be me)
That should be me

That should be me
Never should've let you go
I never should've let you go
That should be me
I never shoulda let you go
That should be me

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Melangkah mantap di kls 9 !

HeY blog..
Hri ini i'm back to school again.. hahhaha.. dr sekian lama liburan akhirny msuk jga.. huffttt~
ad perasaan sneng ma sdih jga sichhh... Seneng nya w dpt kls 9c ma ktmu tmn2 lgi.. sdihny, gk bsa bngun siang.. :(
ok, w d 9c brng ma Chel, Sari, ma ANgel... :D
trus kls ngurut dr kls 7 nich (7a,8b,9c) and sklas ma Chel trus dr kls 7.. :) :) :) (3 thun sob.. mntep kgk tuh?)
wli kls w BU Nila.. mntan guru Geografi w kls 7-8.. :D owh iyh, di kls w ad ank bru jga sobb.. Namany Dave,, w gk tw ank mna.. soalny w gk knal , cma tw muka ny ajh...

hufffttt~ mulai hri ini w hrus siap dng sgala konsekuensi di kls 9.. kls pnentuan lulus ap kgk.. w brharap, w lulus.. (AMINNN)
w gk bsa maen2/ snte2 lgi kyk d kls 7-8.. w hrus pnter2 bgi wktu w..
mngkin kedpnny, w udh mlai d btesin ol nich.. :(
it's ok.. demi nilai w.. I CAN DO IT! :) :)